Know what Ayurved really is all about.

Ayurved in a nutshell

  • There’s a lot of buzz going around the word ‘Ayurved’. And you wonder what exactly that is. Let us tell help you understand this better.
  • Ayurved works with a singular motive- Everyone in this Universe should stay healthy and lead a disease-free life.
  • No one should suffer from illness and be sick. Everyone’s life should be healthy. May everyone live a long and healthy life.
  • Ayurved is the ancient Indian science that is born from the Vedas. Ayurved is a well-known, holistic approach to Indian culture. It is the science of Life. Ayurved is based on ancient Indian culture, religion, and philosophy.
  • Ayurved prescribes the whole way of life. It is based on the knowledge that man and nature both are intertwined.

Let us understand the Origin of Ayurved better…

origin of ayurvedAyurved is originated from the Atharvaveda, one of the four Vedas. All the four Vedas are said to be born from Lord Brahma, the creator of the Universe. It is supposedly said that the knowledge of ancient medicine is passed from Lord Brahma to Lord Indra. Later on, AshwiniKumar acquired this science from Lord Indra. He invented well-known rejuvenation therapies and pioneered the technique of Plastic Surgery.

Lord Dhanvantri- a disciple of Ashwini Kumar carried the tradition further. He used the traditional and ancient science of Ayurved for benefiting society. Since then, Ayurved has been propagated to us over the generations.

What Ayurved does For You…

The main aim of Ayurved is to maintain health. Ayurved is a Sanskrit word where ‘Ayu’ means life span. Ayu refers to the combination of mind, body, and soul. ‘Veda’ means knowledge or science. Charaka defines Ayurved as that science that deals with advantages and disadvantages along with happy and unhappy states of our lives, the good and the bad in life, along with Life itself. It is now quite clear that Ayurved is not only a system of medicine, but it is a way of Life for attaining the goals of life- Dharma, Artha, Kama, and Moksha. These goals cannot be achieved without good health.

The philosophy of Ayurved stresses maintaining an equilibrium with Nature. It says that if a man’s spiritual health depends on his ability to live with the external Universe, then his mental health must depend on his ability to live in harmony with himself.

Ayurveda sees every disease and every state of health as a connected whole. A man’s mental health has both physical and social impacts. Since the beginning, Ayurved has paid equal attention to illness of the mind as to illness of the body. To calm the mind and bring back the equilibrium, Ayurved has several alternatives like diet, aromatics, therapies to bring back the mental equilibrium.

Did the information on Ayurved equip you with enough clarity?

Know a step deeper about this traditional legacy…

Ayurvedic Constitution and its Balance

ayurvedic lifestyleJust like everyone has a unique fingerprint, every person has a definite pattern of Energy. It means that every individual has a specific combination of Physical, Mental, and Emotional characteristics that form a constitution. This constitution is determined by birth and remains the same throughout life.

All of us come into this life with certain characteristics which define us and that Prakriti stays constant in our life. In modern concept, it is called Personality. In Ayurved, it is called Prakruti. As per Ayurvedic philosophy, the entire Universe is an interplay of the energies of these 5 elements- Air, Water, Fire, Earth, and Space. Vata, Pitta, and Kapha are combinations of these five elements and transform them into patterns.

Ayurved is ancient health that focuses on the betterment of your ‘Swastha’ through balancing these three Prakriti present in your body. This ancient science of life is a true, holistic way to embrace health and embody your true potential.

Welcome to the World of Ayurved.


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